What we stand for
We really want to be known for knowing and loving Jesus – and for being shaped by the central part of Jesus life and mission – the cross.
The cross was where Jesus gave up his life, because he loved us. It’s a model of sacrifice. It’s the heart of our message. We want to make sure that when people come through our doors, hear us speak during our services, and chat with us, that the cross is central. We work pretty hard at getting rid of distractions, and at communicating what the Bible says about Jesus in a clear and relevant way that speaks the language of our city.
We think the Cross is the best thing we can offer Brisbane, because we think the love of Jesus is the key to living life how it’s meant to be lived – how the God who created the world meant us to live, putting others first – and a key to a better future – eternal life in heaven with God. That’s why we’re all about the newcomer – the person who doesn’t know Jesus yet – because we were once disconnected from God too.
Without Jesus and his death and resurrection there could be no Christianity, no church, no Graceville Presbyterian.
We can only connect to God, we can only truly connect to each other through the cross of Jesus.
Our vision is all about the wonderful cross of Jesus. We hope this is a vision that you want to be part of too.